The Historic Sosa-Carrillo House

Home of Los Descendientes


The Mexican American Museum

News Worthy

Los Descendientes de Tucson promotes, preserves, and celebrates the unique history of the Primeria Alta through safeguarding, documenting, and educating the community on the rich heritage, historical places, and traditions of the founding cultures of Tucson. Los Des runs the Mexican American Heritage and History Museum located downtown at the historic Sosa-Carrillo House.

We will use these stories to engage community and bring awareness to Los Des / MexAm Museum; solicit Tucsonense knowledge and stories; and incorporate community guidance into the Museum’s permanent exhibits and Los Des’ future programming.

The Past is Important, today.

Please share your memories with us!

Together We Thrive: Get Involved for a Stronger Community!

The greatest moments in life deserve to be written in history.

Contact Us

Temporarily by Appointment Only



151 South Granada Ave.

Tucson, AZ85701