About the Calendar

The calendar was created for the 250th anniversary of the establishment of Presidio San Agustín del Tucson. This anniversary acknowledges the numerous and diverse communities that have contributed to the establishment of Tucson and the Sonoran region, many of which existed prior to the existence of the Presidio.

This significant anniversary in 2025 presents an opportunity to reflect on the intersection of hope, human endeavor, and the political intent of those whose aspirations were focused on establishing a new frontier and those whose lives were intertwined with the seasonal rhythms of the land. In retrospect, the founding of Presidio San Agustín del Tucson defined the trajectory of Tucson and the surrounding region. How do Tucson and the surrounding region continue to be shaped by this defining event?

This calendar was initiated in partnership between the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission, the Arizona Historical Society, Los Descendientes, the Presidio Museum, the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum, and Vail Preservation Society. Proposals submitted to the calendar are reviewed by a panel made up of representatives from the calendar partners to ensure event criteria are met.

Call For Participation

All cultural- or heritage-focused organizations in Tucson and Pima County are invited to submit a proposal outlining an event to be held between August 2024 and December 31, 2025, which focuses on our regional history through the lens of your organization’s mission.  

The calendar is designed to highlight and publicize a schedule of events that will commemorate our regional history and be promoted together as the 250+ Celebration Event Schedule. The flagship event will be the Celebration of Tucson / S cuk Son 250+  that will be held on August 23, 2025, at Presidio San Agustín del Tucson Museum.