Submit An Event

Call For Participation

All cultural- or heritage-focused organizations in Tucson and Pima County are invited to submit a proposal outlining an event to be held between August 2024 and December 31, 2025, which focuses on our regional history through the lens of your organization’s mission.  

The calendar is designed to highlight and publicize a schedule of events that will commemorate our regional history and be promoted together as the 250+ Celebration Event Schedule. The flagship event will be the Celebration of Tucson / S cuk Son 250+ that will be held on August 23, 2025, at Presidio San Agustín del Tucson Museum.

Participant Criteria


Submit a proposal outlining an event to be held between August 2024 and December 31, 2025, that focuses on our diverse cultural and regional history through the lens of your organization’s mission. 

View Example Event

Event Criteria:

  • Organization is cultural- or heritage-focused.

  • Event may be a new or preexisting annually planned event. In either case there must be a specific theme celebrating our regional history.

  • Event must be fully funded by the host organization. The calendar partners will support with PR and calendar coordination but will not be funding individual events.

  • Events may be, but are not limited to a festival, lecture, performance, or exhibit opening. Please see “What is a cultural celebration?” below for more examples.

  • Event may be a fundraiser or friend-raiser and may include corporate sponsors, however no solicitation from outside businesses other than the sponsor may be included at the event. Ex. A private business can sponsor an event but cannot solicit direct business at that event.

  • Event may be free or have a charge associated with attendance.


There will be a rolling event review of proposals. We highly encourage organizations to begin submitting their events as soon as possible, in order to allow for the events to be promoted at the Celebration of Tucson / S cuk Son 249+ at the Presidio Museum on August 17, 2024. After this initial deadline, events will be reviewed and added to the calendar monthly.

All proposals will be reviewed by a panel of calendar partner representatives. Every effort will be made to include all eligible events in the 250+ Celebration Event Schedule; however, the review panel reserves the right to decline an event listing, subject to review of event criteria. The panel may suggest an alternative date or theme in order to space out events throughout the year.

What is a Cultural Celebration?

Social practices, rituals, and festive events are habitual activities that structure the lives of communities and groups and that are shared by and relevant to many of their members. They are significant because they reaffirm the identity of those who practice them as a group or a society and, whether performed in public or private, are closely linked to important events. Social, ritual, and festive practices may help to mark the passing of the seasons, events in the agricultural calendar, or the stages of a person’s life. They are closely linked to a community’s worldview and perception of its own history and memory. Read more on the UNESCO website: